Hourly Rates
Our clerks will advise you of the hourly rate (charging an amount of money per hour) applicable to any piece of work. This can be agreed in advance taking into account the nature of the case, the legal complexities and volume of paperwork involved and its complexity and the seniority (experience) of the barrister involved.
Fixed Fees
Our clerks are happy to agree fixed fees (a set amount of money) for any piece of work and we will use counselās hourly rate as a guideline for agreeing the fixed fee.
Capped Fees
In certain circumstances our clerks will suggest charging fees on a capped fee basis. This involves charging an amount of money per hour but agreeing in advance that the total amount will not be more than a set level.
Brief & Refresher Fees
These apply where court, tribunal or ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) hearings (eg: Mediation) are required. They are assessed and agreed taking into account the nature of the case and its legal and factual complexities together with the experience of the barrister instructed.
A brief fee would usually include all counselās preparation for trial and the fee for the first day in court. The refresher fee(s) are a fee, fixed in advance which will cover each subsequent day at the hearing, including ongoing preparation.
Conditional Fee Agreement
In a limited number of types of cases counsel would consider entering into a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA) with solicitors. Please contact the clerks to discuss in the first instance.